Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Robbo Sets New Stony Brook Record

Rob set a new record on Monday in the mile for his middle school!

Winning against one of his rivals, Seamus Lawler from Concord Middle School, Rob ran the mile in 5:15. It was an exciting race, as Lawler led the first three laps by about 7 or 8 meters. Then in the final lap, Rob overtook him on the backstretch and never looked back for the last 250 meters. Both teams were cheering loudly as they each expected their star to bring home the win.

After crossing the finish line, the athletes shook hands and embraced with congratulations for a race well run. They are both classy guys and will be running against one another for years to come as their respective high schools are in the same league.

Here are a couple of pics from the race, along with one of Austin just after his brother won. He is beaming with pride...